Right to Parent Petition


In the effort to push back on the pervasive encroachment of government into the lives of families and especially the erosion of parental rights in Illinois, the Parents Matter Coalition first posed a simple question to parents and community members: should parental consent be required for any MINOR child (under the age of 18 years) to receive life-altering treatments? Polls across the country indicate that more than 80% of Americans agree that parents should be the arbiters of making healthcare decisions for the minor children and that their rights DO MATTER!

Now known as the “Right to Parent” Ballot Initiative, the Parents Matter Coalition has launched a signature petition drive to collect 500,000 signatures from registered Illinois voters by April 15th, 2024 to place the following Ballot Advisory Question (“BAQ”) on the November 2024 Illinois General Election Ballot:

“Shall the written consent from a minor’s parent or guardian be required before any entity, person, clinic or school can provide a minor (under the age of 18 years) any non-emergency medical procedure, medication, pharmaceutical, or any gender modification procedure, gender identification, gender-affirming counseling or gender therapy?”

Together, we will secure this questions’ place on the ballot when 50,000 of our parents, families, community members and organizations from all over the state commit, who are committed to a parent’s right to parent their minor children, pledge to become volunteer circulators and collect at least 10 signatures each.

Unlike a ballot referendum question (binding), the BAQ allows a question of public opinion to be placed on the ballot without having to go through the legislative process. While it’s non-binding, it’s the best gauge of public opinion allowing the voices of Illinois voters to be heard. And because Illinois has a Democrat super-majority, this question of public policy would never make out of committee, let alone getting to the Illinois House and Senate floors for a vote if it had to first go through the legislative process.

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